What's in my college bag list.#BlogtoberDay24

Hellooooo&welcome to Blogtober Day 24.. I can't believe we're 24 days in and only have a week until it is all over..
I am going to be sharing with what i take to college

- Folder: I have just a main big folder where i just have all my units in and any work that i have done. I carry this around with me in case we do need the folder.

-Pencil Case: Of course i have a pencil case. I love having a pencil case full of stationary. I keep some pens, colour pens, memory stick and some post its in there.

-Portable charger: Sometimes if i am doing 9-5, my phone battery will just die on me. I always carry around my portable charger if this does happen. 

-Little bag for girl stuff- I keep my Zoella little purse in there in case of any emergencies. In here, i carry around: Medication, pads, plasters and hair tie. 

-Notebook- I carry around a notebook of course because my lessons are very note based, and i like making notes, as it comes handy when writing assignments. 

-Lipstick: I don't carry around my whole makeup bag with me just because i don't have that much space, but i do carry around the lipstick i am going to wear that day, just so i can touch up.

Purse- If i need a drink or anything, i carry some money around with me, just in case!

- earphones: At the moment we're doing a lot of study time, so i like to listen to my music, and of course earphones do come in handy!

Thank you,
Amy x


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