6 things i'd say to my 16 year old self..

heya Guys,
Today i wanted to share with you, what i would tell my younger self..

♡Ditch the crap friends: 
Yes, i look back now, and think why was i even friends with them. I stayed friends, far longer with some people, than i should've. I think back then, i was so naive, so i would tell my younger self, to ditch them as people who aren't positive in your life, are just gonna bring negativity to you and your life.

♡ Buy the correct foundation shade: Hahah, the amount of times, i would buy the wrong foundation shade, and go about 3 shades darker. I also, couldn't blend to save my life! So, learn to blend and buy the correct foundation shade. 

♡ Start the blog: I uhmmed, and aahed, so much about starting a blog. But now, i have found happiness writing a blog, about things and people i love. it was the best decision. 

♡Good grades, aren't everything: I didn't get that bad  grades, but i could've got better grades. But now, looking back at it, i'm on a course i enjoy. if you work hard enough, then theres nothing you can't do, to achieve what you want to achieve. 

♡ Learn how to drive: You will pass! I hated the fact of driving, i thought i'd be rubbish at it. But now, i know, i would pass 1st time, theory and driving test! So, congrats me! 

♡ Say yes to more gigs: You'll soon realise, that they are the things that make you happy, and you'll meet some amazing friends at gigs. And not everyone will last, so make the most of seeing your favourite people now, whilst they are still performing!
Amy x


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