Joseph Morris interview!

Heya Guys,

So i got an incredible opportunity to interview Joseph Morris, and he was happy to do an interview for you guys. I am very lucky to be around supportive people of my blog! So the aim of this interview is to spread the word of his new music! I am a massive fan of Joseph's music and i am so excited, to announce that Joseph's music will be making a reappearence! So it has been named 'This is my truth' and i am very excited to hear the music! There will be a single and then an album to follow..

Just a background on Joseph:
Who is Joseph Morris? 
Joseph is a singer/songwriter from Essex! He has done many events such as shard fest, soccer six and many many more! He has done many covers on youtube and on his twitter page! He recently performed at the same show as James Arthur. 

My Interview with Joseph Morris:

Q:When did you first start singing?

A;: I was about 5/6 years old, and never looked back really!

Q: Why did you first start writing? 

A: It was more of a coping mechanism to put my feelings down in the best way i could express them, and it still is even today, so i hope the honest and sincerity comes across in my music. 

Q:Did your family encourage you, and what did they do to encourage you? 

A: They've always been wonderful, few words but all encouraging!

Q: Who are your music inspirations?

A: I don't want these answers to sound cliched but people like Michael Jackson, who was a huge icon, others like WHAM, The beetles...

I guess today's inspirations for the music i like to listen to and write, would be guys like Ed Sheeran, James Arthur (Who Joseph recently performed at the same show as James Arthur), I love Boyz To Men - such great voices!

Q:What kind of music do you listen to?

A; Again such a cliched answer potentially but I have a range of taste, going from some conventional pop t more RnB, soul, it varies. 

Q:Where would you most like to perform? 

A: It's every musicians dream to play around the world, venues like Wembley,, Maddison Square Garden in America- who wouldn't want to sell that out and perform. 

Q: Who would you most likely to perform with?

A: I'd love to perform/collaborate with James Arthur. 

Q:If you wasn't singing, what would you be doing now?

A: Music runs through my blood, I will always want to create sound so perhaps studio engineering/producing, still could be a side project. 

Q:Do you enjoy music and singing?

A: Without a doubt Yes.

Q:What kind of vibe were you going for when writing 'This is my truth'?

A: As the title indicates- the truth, honest lyrics and relatable content. 

Q:What can we hear from you in the future?

A: I will be releasing "This Is My Truth" as my 1st single (Date to be confirmed), followed by an album/Ep this next year. 

Q:What are you most looking forward to in 2016?:

A: The journey, the creation of my sound, I'm very much looking forward to seeing the reaction to my single!

Q:What is the genre of this is my truth?

A: You'll have to wait and see on that. 

Q: What was the message behind the single?:

A:The best way to describe the song, is by simply saying, it's reality. 

And finally a message from you to the fans:

A: And a massive thank you for everyone supporting me, the wait for this music I promise will be worth the wait

So watch this space guys, Joseph is going to be doing amazing things!!!

Events coming up for Joseph:
Tomorrow 16th September: Southend Under 18's Mayhem! He will be performing debut tracks!
Southampton: Fundraising Gig 21st January. Raising money for Alzheimer's disease.

HallowScream 5th November 2016 @HallowScreamUk for more information!

Joseph 'Sorry'


Thank you so much to Joseph for allowing me to interview him, it was so much fun! i can't wait to hear the music! i hope you enjoyed reading! 
Why not check out Joseph?
Twitter: @Joseph23Morris - Get involved in the hashtag #ThisIsMyTruth


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