Chase Blake FOCUS and an update!

Hiya Guys,

I haven't blogged in what seems like forever, the reason is i just didn't feel like blogging. I have been so busy with coursework and college which is good as i really like college, but also bad as i haven't been able to blog in a while!!! I cannot believe it is only 16 days until Christmas Day, this year has flown by! I have bought all my presents as i am super organised this year!!!

So Chase Blake has bought out an album called 'Focus' and it is really amazing! I done a blog post a while back about he's what do you mean cover and i am now blogging about he's album, pretty cool ay! The album has more of an R&B feel to it, and i love this album!! There is a free download of the album here: or you can buy a physical copy for £5! On he's twitter if you retweet he'ss tweet you can win a free copy of focus!

So what is on the album?

Mixtapes of
Somebody to love
Freak of the week
Trap queen
&so many more

so go check out he's mixtape! Whilst writing this blog post i am actually listening to it, and i am obsessed

Tweet: @ChaseBlake01
Let me know and Chase what you think: @Amy_Bellxx

Hope you've enjoyed this blogpost!

I'm so proud of him and i can't wait for the next one!!! Mad journey ahead for him, don't forget to check it out!
Amy xx


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