Getting fit and staying healthy

Hiya Guys,
It is British summer time and i really want to start eating healthily and staying fit. I have been doing kick boxing for a few years now and i really enjoy it. I have decided to do some more fitness classes as these are all free on my membership. I am going to join zumba and then gradually start doing some more classes. I always do a lot of walking as that is really good for you and helps you to stay fit. If you are thinking about joining a gym or doing some fitness classes(just do it and you will feel amazing after it). When i was doing my GCSES 2 years ago kickboxing really helped me as I wasn't feeling as stressed after doing it as i enjoyed it and also exercise does help with stress. There are always local gyms to join and most of the classes will be free on the membership! I think fitness DVD'S are really good as well, if you don't feel like doing a class or you don't have time you can always put on the DVD and do it in the comfort of your own home. I am doing charlotte Crosby's dvd at the moment body blitz, and it is really helping me tone up. Plus you don't need all the fancy workout gear. I get my tops and bottoms from F&F (Tesco range) and i have realised that primark now does a few bits so i sometimes get my stuff from there. Boohoo has some amazing work out gear and it is not even expensive. As i am now getting myself fit i thought i would treat myself and buy some Nike roshe runs, but for fitness good trainers really need to be decided. The fit of the shoe is really important. Some shoe shops will also give you the chance to go on the treadmill with the shoes you are going to buy and see what shape of fit is best for your feet whilst at the gym or fitness classes.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is a massive impact.Sometimes it is really hard to lead that lifestyle because you may be tempted to buy some chocolate. In Holland and Barrett they sell them amazing goodies in there, but for less fat and carbs. I have always like fruit and veg but for people who don't really like them, mix them into something you enjoy eating, and you may not even notice the difference. In the summer there is always a nice selection of fruit around so that is always a plus! You can always have a treat day and my treat days are on the weekend. Weekends are for treat days i think!
So lets get fit for summer and lead a healthy lifestyle!!
Amy x


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