Always chasing-Chase Blake

Hello everyone,
I am back with another blog post, and this blog post is going to be all about Chase's new soundcloud album drop- Always Chasing. 

So, i have done a few blog posts on Chase's new music launches, and if i thought his albums couldn't get much better? I was wrong, he has proved to me and everyone else, that each album is always getting better!

Always chasing; 

So the songs that are on the new Ep is: 
- Love island: Yasss, were you on that love island hype? I certainly was, and if you're missing love island, go and check this song out! This song is such a vibe. 

-2014: Now, this song is a vibe, which i am vibing with. Chase has got the beat and the voice all right for this song. Has a lil snippet of one of  Omarion's song in it, let me know which one it is guys

-I'm fine: Love this song. You can get really into your feels here. It has a slow start of the melody, and then it goes into Chase's iconic rapping we all loveeee. 'Started to air my calls' -Hasn't everyone been there guys? 

-Trying; The song at the start is a slow melody and then it drops into the beat, which i love. I didn't know what to expect with this song, but i absolutely love it! 

Instagram; lemme just drop my insta, only right isn't it? @amy_bellxx
Chase; Chaseblake01. Okay i love this song! This song has such a beat and it is always in my head, which is always a good song. The beat and the lyrics are always in my head which i love. This song is such a classic Chase vibe. 

--so when i asked Chase what he thinks; 'i'm gonna keep adding songs to it over the month, so you're favourite song will be on there; it might even be already-who knows?'  Love to keep us guessing!! I can't choose a favourite song, as i love them all so much!!!

Lemme know if you have a favourite song from the always chasing ep;

-Chase's socials; 
Twitter: @chaseblake01
instagram: chaseblake01


  1. Awhhhh this is sickkkk ☺️♥️��♠️��

  2. So proud of chase and this blog is sick ♠


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